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What is it About Men Who Cook?

In romance novels, we love to read about the hero’s deep voice, his amazing kisses and his smokin’ hot bod, but lately I’ve discovered that a guy who knows his way around the kitchen is an immediate panty-dropper. When I watched women at a party react to my very own husband’s kitchen artistry, I realized two of my heroes from Romancing Vegas needed to get cookin’!

Now ladies, here’s the deal – we’ve been married a really long time, soooo long that my husband got tired of my blah, unmotivated cooking and (much to my delight) has taken over many preparations. At the aforementioned party, a bring-your- own type of affair, my husband unveiled some delicious stuff, including a lovely platter of fresh mozzarella cheese and sliced tomatoes which he artfully plated right there on the table and garnished with basil leaves, spices and gourmet vinegar and oil. Well! You should’ve seen the compliments flying, the eyelashes fluttering, the hair flinging and – dare I say it – the flirting going on. And I was standing right there!

I know some of you are watching Food Network, Bravo and the Cooking Channel because you actually want to learn to cook, but c’mon -- - most of you are watching because of foxy foodies like Tyler Florence, Jamie Oliver and Curtis Stone! And while we’re on the topic, have you ever seen photos of restaurant “iron chefs” like Michael Chernow, Thiago Silva and Michael Schulsen?! Mmmmm, these are the yummy men who cook in restaurants like The Meatball Shop, Catch and Buddakan.

In Romancing Vegas, cruise ship captain Jack Carleton gives Daniella Flores ‘dessert’ before breakfast, if you know what I mean, then tells her to go back to sleep while he makes French toast. “The smell of cinnamon and coffee greeted her when she woke up the second time, and she wondered briefly if she’d gone to heaven.” Ukrainian nurse Tania Shevchenko wakes up to an omelet made by Jack’s brother Cole Carleton. “She watched him stand at the sink, her eyes lingering on his broad shoulders, the muscles in his tanned back flexing while he emptied the dishwasher. She liked to watch his hands and lean, powerful arms at work…” Okay, is there such a thing as kitchen porn?

So can cooking help a guy get laid? A brief survey unveiled these thoughts:

  • “Cooking for me is such a sexy gesture. It makes me feel cared for, better than a gift.”

  • “I loved how he walked into my kitchen, rolled up his sleeves and started preparing.”

  • “Right after he cooked me a chocolate souffle, my clothes hit the floor.”

  • “The way he pitches in shows me he grew up in a house where that’s normal.”

Anything a person has mastered, anything they’re passionate about -- that skill is sexy, whether it’s

cooking or computer savvy. In Captain’s Orders, the prequel novel to this one, there was no cooking

because the characters were on a cruise ship, so the men had to show their mastery in…other ways. But passionate skill is why we’re so mesmerized by TV chefs who show us how to make something from nothing. Since preparing food happens so often, men who cook also assume a special place in our hearts as emotional supporters, hopefully taking us back to the days when someone cared enough to show their love for us through food.

Got a great story you want to share with me about how your honey shows his love in the kitchen or at the grill? Go to the Let’s Talk page on my website and share it with me.

Kara Keen

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